About Me

Greetings, my name is Diana Schneider, BS, LMT, CBCP.

I am a licensed massage therapist (practicing advanced myofascial release therapy), a Certified Emotion Code and Body Code Practitioner, and a healthy living enthusiast!  I love animals and nature, riding horses, spending time with my family, and serving God.

I have always had a strong desire to help others, and have studied alternative health, healing, and nutrition for the past 22 years. I believe being healthy, authentically healthy, will only happen when body, mind and spirit are fully functioning together in harmony, bringing your entire being into homeostasis.

I have a huge passion for the Emotion Code and the Body Code–this method of “energy healing” has been a great blessing to me, as well as to my clients, family, friends, and animals. I have experienced and witnessed life-changing results, and love that it is fast, easy, powerful, and does not require dredging up the past or re-opening emotional wounds.  I love helping people clear “Trapped emotions” that are making them physically sick or holding them back from their true potential.

Dr. Nelson’s Body Code was an answer to prayer because I longed to be able to help family and friends who didn’t live near my location, and while I love and will continue my myofascial practice, Body Code allows me to treat people and animals at any distance (by proxy), which I will explain below.


Proxy or distance sessions allow me to use Body code to help anyone no matter where they live. Our bodies have a natural ability to communicate with others by creating an energetic connection with them. After a connection is made, I use muscle testing and The Body Code just as I would if the person were being treated right next to me.


Communicating with the body at a distance is similar to the way we communicate with each other by radio, telephone or satellites. Our bodies contain energy and frequencies that radiate out and connect us with all things. We have the ability to focus this energy with intention and prayer to connect specifically with another individual. Sessions performed by proxy have the same success rate as those done over the phone or in person.

I look forward to being able to assist you on your journey toward authentic wellbeing.


Are you Ready to experience the next level of health and wellbeing?