Emotion & Body Code

What is Body Code™ ?

Body Code™ is a healing modality system that was created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Dr. Nelson is a Chiropractic Physician, Medical Intuitive and one of the world’s foremost experts in the field of Bio-energetic Medicine and Energy Psychology.

The Body Code focuses on balancing the body in all aspects of health and wellbeing, including nutritional, emotional, energetic, structural, toxicity and more.

The Body Code™ is a complete method of harmonizing the energetic field by way of detecting the underlying energetic imbalances in the body, using a sophisticated software program, intuition, and kinesiology muscle testing.

This method is a complimentary healing modality and is not intended to replace any medical treatment, but by correcting any underlying imbalances, it helps the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over.

As a result, discomfort and malfunctions in the body often disappear, emotional issues often become manageable or non-existent and energy levels often increase.

The body is made of energy and negative influences on the energetic field can manifest into a variety of health issues. Dis-ease in ones energetic field can often lead to disease if not addressed early.

Body Code™ sessions focus on six areas of imbalances;

  • Structural- The bones, nerves and connective tissue
  • Nutritional- The food we eat, including herbs and nutrients
  • Circuitry- The organs, glands and muscles that make up our physical body
  • Energetic- offensive energies and or trapped negative emotions
  • Pathogens- Bacterial, viral, fungal, mold and parasites
  • Toxicity- Heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals and other environmental toxins.

Most health issues we face can be traced back to an imbalance in one of these six areas.

The Body Code™’s impressive ability to connect with the subconscious mind using muscle testing, intuition and the highly advanced Mind Maps software (created by Dr. Nelson) make this a highly effective form of healing!


The Body Code and Emotion Code assist in the healing process by correcting energetic imbalances in the mind, body and spirit.

Picture your energetic field being like your own personal computer hard drive. Now, after having your permission, picture me connecting to your hard drive or your energetic field using muscle testing, where I would ask your subconscious for yes or no answers to questions regarding imbalances in your body and energetic field. This is similar to how a lie detector test works in that the subconscious body always signals an energetic and truthful yes/no response no matter what the conscious mind thinks or says. The Body Code™ Mind Maps are my guide for addressing your concerns and finding any underlying causes releasing them.

Once the energetic disruptions are removed, the body’s energy flow can return to a harmonious state and the body begins to naturally heal itself.

Energy knows no boundaries and that allows me to work with people around the world without having to be in the same room!

My sessions are available with me acting as proxy for your energy field via Skype, FaceTime, Phone, and email.


The only preparation needed is that you make a conscious effort to remain open to receiving this energy harmonizing and that you stay hydrated. Water acts as a conductor for your energy to flow freely, which allows the session to flow in its most powerful form.


Every individual session varies. Your subconscious will let me know how much you are ready to release at the time.

Some issues will be resolved in one session and others may require several sessions. At the end of each session, I will ask your subconscious for a guideline of when you will be ready for your next session and I may even be able to determine how many sessions are advised. Going with the flow of your energy is always the best way to achieve great results!


Most people respond by stating they feel lighter and happier. Your body will need to heal and “process” after each session. This is an adjustment period. Processing can take a few minutes to a few days. Each person processes each event differently and as such different energy levels and emotions can vary during the processing time. It is important to listen and allow whatever comes up and to know that it will pass.


Whatever is released at the time of each session is permanent, however there can be several events that have produced the same trapped emotions in one time frame and they may wish to be released at different intervals (this is like peeling the layers of an onion). Also, scheduling “maintenance” sessions when things come up is a great practice in self-care because as we continue through life we get trapped emotions or negative energy and keeping is removed is similar to keeping our computers updated and cleaned of rubbish.


Emotion Code™ and Body Code™ is a non-invasive modality that is gentle and powerful at the same time. Your subconscious mind is going to be the guide when it comes to how much we release in one session and the only uncomfortable experience may be what was discussed regarding processing.

This is in no way meant to replace medical care. This is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. This is a complimentary, holistic therapy and can be a wonderful addition to any other form of care you are receiving.


When working with this modality, it is nice to get a baseline percentage of how your energetic field is operating. Dr. Nelson created a guideline, which is used during your initial session that allows me to monitor your progress.

Along with your evaluation you will have an opportunity to share any concerns or goals that you would like to achieve.

This healing is all about you and what makes you healthy and whole. I am merely acting as a facilitator on your journey towards wellness, and I am honored that you have chosen me for that role.


Have you ever experienced the grief of heartache or heartbreak? The emotional distress of heartache or heartbreak can cause us to unconsciously begin to build an energetic wall around our heart as a form of protection. Unfortunately, once this wall is in place it becomes difficult for us to give and receive love in its truest form. This can lead to a complete disconnection from others, trust issues, commitment issues, and even interfere with our career.

This wall is made up of trapped emotions that we categorize as heart wall emotions. Any emotion from our chart can be found in the heart wall, but it usually forms a theme and particular time frames from ones life.

By removing the heart wall, one layer at a time, the ability to give and receive love again and experience joy becomes a reality. 

Are you Ready to experience the next level of health and wellbeing?