What People Are Saying

Insomnia, anxiety, post-operative discomfort and spine problems all were cured or substantially improved with Diana's Body Code approach. Traditional western medicine had not been helpful but Diana was!

- Ginna and Ned P.

I contacted Diana mainly because my life was in disarray and beginning to manifest itself into many physical health problems. One of which was most annoying RLS (Restless Leg Syndrome) Dr.s had me on medications that were working only intermittently. Diana started with my Heart Wall, peeling away the layers of emotions I had buildup from a lifetime, so she could get to the root of the problem. Surprisingly, everything she hit upon emotionally was right on correct. She was able to eliminate years of psycho therapy in a relatively short period of time relieving me of many anxiety and concerns as well as The RLS. I am now drug free and call her up at the first sign of a return and she quickly finds the emotion attached to it and eliminates the physical manifestation. I highly recommend her and her talents.


- TP Spokane, WA